Mouse over the map to view range data for over 11,000 bird species. Explore biome dependence, ecosystem boundaries and unexpected connections across the globe.
Click on the map to see the species that are being mapped and view individual ranges. All data is from eBird hotspot observations.
Bring your eBird data, and see the ranges of your life list species. Find where on the planet you would identify the most familiar birds, and where you have the most to see.
This map requires a lot of WebGL memory and might not work great on a mobile device. Best viewed on a desktop.
To add your eBird data, first download your data from eBird as a CSV file. Then click "Add eBird data" and choose that CSV file. Your data stays on your computer and is not sent anywhere.
All data is sourced from eBird, in the silliest possible way. Unfortunately, like many citizen science projects, eBird data has geographic biases and not all regions are equally represented.
Project by Logan Williams